How to make the right choice which solution suits your company best

Cloud4commodities (C4C) is the perfect software solution for Commodity traders. The core of C4C consists of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales for the CRM functionality and for the ERP functionality both Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (BC) and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Management (F&SCM) can be used. Are you looking for a new ERP from Microsoft and do you want to know which one fits your business the best? Look no further, you have come to the right place.
Microsoft is investing with increasing speed in Microsoft Dynamics 365 including the ERP solutions. In Dynamics365 two ERP’s are available , Finance and Supply Chain Management (F&SCM) and Business Central (BC) which are upgraded continuously. These upgrades include new functionalities and even new modules. A couple of years ago you might have needed F&SCM for your business, perhaps now BC will cover all your requirements.
The bigger you get
Within my 15 years of experience with Dynamics I have seen both ERP’s grow much in both functionality and the targeted market. We can say that BC is for small and medium sized companies (<200 users) and F&SCM for large companies (200+ users).
The number of users is not the only metric on which the decision should be made. BC contains many of the functionality’s F&SCM contains, but in a less extensive way. For example, both support international businesses including multi company functionality, intercompany transactions and have the support of different localizations, but F&SCM has more functionalities around this. BC supports 20 localizations (one at the time) and F&SCM supports 30 locations (multiple also supported). F&SCM has more options to release specific master data (e.g., products) to other legal entities than BC. Intercompany in F&SC supports more functionalities compared to BC and is easier to setup.
Microsoft Dynamics 365 CE, BC and F&SCM
Next to the targeted user count and internationally focused functionalities the number of modules and extensiveness of the modules is a difference between F&SCM and BC. While Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales is used for Trade Capture, Cost estimations, KYC and FX manager, the ERP provides solutions for the Logistic and Financial processes, including generation of documents and various declarations
There is one thing which BC has and F&SCM doesn’t, which is the use of extensions. Extensions can be seen as add-ons which can be searched for and installed directly from BC. Yes, it is also possible to have add-ons on F&SCM but the ease of installation makes them for BC far more useable. A functionality is missing in BC? No problem, just search for the right extension and you are good to go!
Want more information? Just contact me via or call 020 303 24 70 and we will setup a meeting!